Maths at Rosendale

Welcome to the maths blog.

We believe that every child can succeed in maths. Pupils are not ‘born with the maths brain’ or ‘rubbish at maths’. With good teaching, sufficient time, practise and a ‘can do’ attitude, all children can achieve in and enjoy mathematics.

The National Curriculum for maths requires that all pupils:

  • use mathematical concepts, facts and procedures appropriately, flexibly and fluently;
  • recall key number facts with speed and accuracy and use them to calculate and work out unknown facts;
  • have sufficient depth of understanding of mathematical concepts and procedures that they can use them to solve a variety of problems.

At Rosendale we have a teaching for mastery approach to maths.  Teaching for mastery means that we keep the class working together on the same topic, at the same time. We aim for all pupils to master the curriculum and for some to gain greater depth of proficiency and understanding.  We provide challenges for pupils by going deeper rather than accelerating into new mathematical content. Acceleration is likely to promote superficial understanding, rather than the true depth and rigour of knowledge that is a foundation for higher mathematics. Where individual children need longer to embed their learning we provide extra opportunities such as during assemblies, Learning Together time or through additional sessions with a teacher or TA. We recognise that there will be a very small number of children who need to receive specialised support in an alternative group due to specific educational needs. These sessions will be run by a TA, LSA or teacher with guidance, support and monitoring from the maths lead.

Teaching for mastery also means spending more time teaching each topic to allow for the development of depth and sufficient practice to embed learning. We teach fewer things in greater depth, to make sure learning is secure rather than over-rapid progression to new content. There is link on the maths blog to an overview of each year’s curriculum. Please be aware we use this for guidance and often make changes and adaptations. For more up to date information, parents should look at the class blogs.

It is important that children commit key facts, such as number bonds and times tables, to memory. This takes time and practise and opportunities are given in Learning Together time every week for the children to practise these key facts.

We believe that all children should have the opportunity to build understanding in the following ways;

– Using concrete objects and manipulatives to build understanding.

– Using pictorial representations to help reason and solve problems.

– Using both concrete and pictorial representations to support understanding of abstract methods and concepts.

At Rosendale we do not set homework but parents and carers can help their children at home in many ways. This could be playing board games, practising counting, spotting numbers, learning number bonds and times tables practice.

Check here on the maths blog where ideas and information will be updated.

Esther Gee

Deputy Headteacher and Maths lead


Maths Parents Workshop

Thank you to all those parents who attended the workshop last Thursday.  I’m glad so many of you found it useful. I have adapted the slides slightly and attached them here for anyone who wanted them. Maths parents workshop blog version


Maths parents workshop blog version

A few parents had general questions which I hope to address here

  • We have mixed ability grouping here at Rosendale as many schools do. Alongside this we use cooperative learning as this provides the structure to enable all children to be engaged and make progress. Kagan cooperative learning is used in many schools nationally and internationally and we have just become a Kagan Model School. There is a wealth of research that shows the impact of cooperative learning on attainment.
  • We know that just asking children to ‘work together’ would not be successful. Teachers structure pair and team work so all children participate and benefit. As a staff we have regular training sessions on this key area of teaching and learning.
  • We constantly discuss and help pupils work with their partner. Modelling supporting, questioning, social skills etc. We find that the children are very keen to support each other and become expert ‘coaches’.
  • In our metacognition lessons all pupils get the opportunity to learn a new skill at which they will struggle at first, such as origami or juggling. This means we can discuss with all children how it feels to be struggling. They can then be supportive if a partner needs help and know that we all find learning things hard at times.
  • We do have some children who have additional educational needs which means they may receive additional or specialist support in some areas. The class teacher will make you aware of any support your child is receiving.
  • As the year goes on we will be having an increased focus on times tables so do check here or on the class blogs for more information.

Key Stage 2 Games

Here are some links to games aimed at Key Stage 2 children. Some of them have various levels and may start with very easy questions. Encourage your children to find a level which challenges them.

Many games can be used on tablets. Some may need flash player to be enabled.

Have fun learning maths.


Key Stage 1 Games

Here are some links to games aimed at Key Stage 1 children. Some of them have various levels so help your children start on a basic level.

Many games can be used on tablets. Some may need flash player to be enabled.

Have fun learning maths.

Early Years Interactive Games

Here are some links to games aimed at foundation stage children. Many can be used on tablets. Some may need flash player to be enabled.

Have fun learning maths.